Privacy Policy

Last update: September 04, 2024.

The Federal Law on The Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the “Law”) and its Regulations main objective is to observe the way and conditions in which the personal data should be treated by private parties (individuals and legal entities) in the private sector in order to guarantee the privacy and the right to informational self-determination of people.

In view of the foregoing and based on the fact that your privacy and reliability are very relevant to “Fielder”, we make the present section available for you, so that you (hereinafter, the “USER”) are aware of the way in which we preserve the privacy and protection of your personal data. Every time “Fielder” collects information about the “USER” when he/she uses our apps and platforms and, throughout other interactions and communications he/she has with us.

Field and Application

This Privacy Policy is applicable to any person, anywhere in the world, who uses our apps and Services under a temporary license.

Collected Information

“Fielder” collects the information the “USER” provides us directly with. For instance, when he/she creates or modifies his/her account, requests on demand services, gets in touch with customer support or communicates in any way with us. This information, may include: Name, e-mail, telephone number, address, postal code, profile picture, payment method, the requested items (for delivery services), delivery notes and other information that you choose to provide us with.

When the “USER” uses our Services, we collect the information under the following overall categories:

  • Location information: When you use our Services, we collect the data regarding your exact location. Also, we can collect the exact location of your device when the app is running in the foreground or background.
  • Transaction information: We collect transaction data related to the use of our Services, including the type of service requested, the date and time of the service provision, the amount charged, and other details related to said transaction.
  • Use and preference information: We collect information about the way the “USER” and the website visitors interact with our Services, the preferences expressed and the selected settings. In some cases, we do it using cookies, pixel tags and similar technologies that create and maintain unique identifiers.
  • Device information: We may collect information regarding your mobile device, which includes, the hardware model, the operational system and the version, the files and the software names and versions, the preferred language, the device unique identifier, advertising identifiers, serial number, the device motion information, as well as the mobile network.
  • Registration information: When the “USER” interacts with the Services, we collect the server records, which may include information such as the device IP addresses, access dates and times, app or website functions, app blocking times and other system activity, type of browser and third parties website or service being used before interacting with our Services.

Use of the information

“Fielder” may use the information we collect about the “USER” in order to:

  • Provide, maintain, and improve our Services and all it includes. For instance, providing the products and services that You request (and send the related information), developing new functions, offering “USER” support, developing security options, authenticate users and send products and administrative messages updates.
  • Carry out internal operations, including, the prevention of fraud and abuse of our Services; software and operational issues troubleshooting; carrying out data analysis, testing and research; and monitoring and analyzing the use and activity trends; SECURITY PROCEDURE.
  • Send or enable communications between the “USER” and one of his/her contacts in his/her address in terms of the use of certain functions.
  • Send communications to the “USER” that we consider will be of his/her interest, including the information about products, services, special offers, news and events organized by “Fielder”, and other companies when allowed and in accordance with the local applicable laws. Also, the registration in contests, raffles, or other special offer registrations and to deliver the related prizes.
  • Customize and improve the Services, including the provision or recommendation of functions, content, social connections, references, and advertisements.

Information Exchange

We may share the information collected from the “USER” as described below in this Statement:

  • With third parties to provide the requested service.
  • With the third parties the “USER” enables us to share his/her information. For instance, other apps or websites integrated with our API or Services, or the ones we integrate with an API or Service.
  • With providers, consultants, marketing partners and other service providers that need to access said information to carry out the work on our behalf.
  • In response to an information request by a competent authority if we believe that said disclosure is in accordance with or, it is required in any other way by any regulation or legal applicable process.
  • With the officials responsible for abiding the laws, the government authorities or other third parties if we believe that their actions are incompatible with our User agreements, Service Conditions or policies, or to protect the rights, the property or the security of “Fielder” or others.
  • In relation to, or during negotiations of, any merging, the sale of company’s assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing or acquisition of the total or part of our business or another company.
  • If we notify the “USER” and he/she grants his/her authorization to share it.

Outsourced Analytic Services

We may enable third parties to provide us with the audience measurement and analytics service to manage advertisements on our behalf on the Internet, to carry out a follow-up and to inform about said advertisements performance. These organizations may use cookies, reporting beacons, SDK and other technologies to identify your device when you visit our website and use our Services, as well as when you visit other websites and use online services.

Account Information

The “USER” may correct his/her account information at any time, by logging into his/her account via online or the app. If the “USER” wishes to cancel or delete his/her account or certain data, he/she should email us at Keep in mind that in some cases, we may retain some “USER” information as required by the law or for legitimate commercial purposes as permitted by the law. For instance, if we believe that you have committed fraud or breached our Service Terms and Conditions, we will try to resolve the problem before deleting your information.

Access Rights

“Fielder” will comply with people’s requests in terms of access, rectification and/or cancellation of the personal data it stores in compliance with the applicable law.

Location Information

We request permission for our app and platform to collect the exact location information via the permission system used by your mobile operational system. Afterwards, the “USER” can deactivate it by changing the location settings in his/her mobile device. Nonetheless, this will limit its ability to use certain options of our Services. In addition, deactivating the collection of exact location information in your device will not limit our ability to collect your location information, as well as our ability to obtain an approximate location with your IP address.

Changes in the Statement

We may change this Statement occasionally. If we make some relevant changes in the way we treat your personal data, or in the Statement, we shall make it of public awareness by publishing a new Statement on our website. The ongoing use of the Services after said publication, constitutes your consent to said changes.

We recommend the “USER” to check periodically the Statement to be aware of the most recent information about our privacy practices.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the present Privacy Policy , email us at: